Berhampur: Simanbadi, a panchayat headquarter in Kadhamal district s Daringibadi block shows rare communal harmony while celebrating the Dusshera festival. Sadhu Nayak, a Christian and the president of the 22-member Durga Puja committee, is busy arranging for day-to-day ritual for the festival, while other members extended their helping hands. HeContinue Reading

What has become problematic of late, however, is not religion in itself, but how people belonging to the majority faith in any country impact the lives of religious minorities in this part of the worldContinue Reading

Mumbai: The famous Dalal Street, home to the Bombay Stock Exchange, always looks like a place that’s in a hurry to go somewhere. Tall and old buildings mark that street and the area surrounding it. Regardless of the age, there is one thing common among all of them – flourishingContinue Reading