Muslims in Switzerland are demanding that the white cross be removed from the Swiss national flag because as a Christian symbol it “no longer corresponds to today’s multicultural Switzerland.” The Muslim group behind this idiotic demand known as the “Secondos,”  began a nationwide campaign in October to urge Swiss citizensContinue Reading

Vatican City: Pope Francis has sent a letter to prisoners detained in a prison in the Italian city of Velletri, a short distance from Rome. Prisoners at the facility had written to the Holy Father earlier this year, entrusting their letter to Bishop Marcello Semeraro, the Bishop of Albano, duringContinue Reading

Guayaquil: Everything collapsed around it, but the glass case with the statue of our Lady of Light remained intact after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Ecuador on April 16. The statue was housed at the Leonie Aviat school in the Tarqui administrative district in Manta Canton, Ecuador, one ofContinue Reading

United Nations: China and the United States, the world’s top producers of greenhouse gas emissions, pledged on Friday to formally adopt by the end of the year a Paris deal to slow global warming, raising the prospects of it being enforced much faster than anticipated. The United Nations said 175Continue Reading