Riyad: A teacher in southern Saudi Arabia opened fire on colleagues on Thursday, killing at least six people and wounding two, state television reported. The brief reports on the state television channel’s website and Twitter account did not elaborate or offer a reason for the shooting at an education departmentContinue Reading

West Tampa — The nationwide Adopt a Sister Program of the Salesian Sisters celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with a luncheon planned honoring its founders — Sister Mary Rinaldi and the late Fortune Bosco. The event, open to the public, is at noon Feb. 17 at Villa Madonna School,Continue Reading

Washington: At his final National Prayer Breakfast as president, Barack Obama said his Christian faith helped him overcome fear as commander in chief and that faith can help the country overcome fear. “Like every president, like every leader, like every person, I’ve known fear,” the president said Thursday morning. “GodContinue Reading

Washington D.C: Religious liberty advocates hope a new congressional scorecard will embolden members of Congress to promote freedom for embattled religious minorities worldwide. “We know that religious liberty is more than just freedom of conscience. It touches everything from national security to trade policy to the fundamental values of whatContinue Reading