Washington: Ahead of next year’s World Youth Day in Krakow, the long-time secretary for Pope John Paul II explained how the saint inspired a generation even though many never saw him in person. “The thing that was attractive, that attracted young people to John Paul II, was not even whatContinue Reading

In human and subhuman practices- killings, abduction, torture and rape-make their life hell. Minorities in Pakistan can be categorized as ‘ethnic and linguistic’ and ‘religious’. The 1973 Constitution used the term ‘minority’ on several occasions but never defined it. Government views minorities on religious lines only without differentiating along ethnic,Continue Reading

Colombo: The United Nations Human Rights Council, which is holding 30th session in Geneva, on Thursday adopted a resolution, through consensus, on alleged human rights violations during the Eelam War in Sri Lanka. Sponsored by the United States, United Kingdom and a few others, the resolution was backed by SriContinue Reading

Hongkong: Asian Bishops have approved and signed the petition promoted by the Global Climate Catholic Movement, a network that connects a number of organizations in view of the World Conference of Paris on climate, to be held in December 2015. As Fides learns, the petition was discussed and approved atContinue Reading