Vatican rolls out haircuts for homeless
Many barbers have volunteered with enthusiasmContinue Reading
Many barbers have volunteered with enthusiasmContinue Reading
Four attackers armed with guns and wearing suicide vests arrived in a carContinue Reading
World Youth Day is celebrated every year on Palm SundayContinue Reading
A Hindu temple was vandalized with hate message and swastika spray-painted on its wall in the US state of WashingtonContinue Reading
They were killed for confessing their faith in JesusContinue Reading
he militants had been holding 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian laborers rounded up from the city of Sirte in December and JanuaryContinue Reading
The killings raise the possibility that the militant group has a direct affiliate less than 800 km from the southern tip of ItalyContinue Reading
No one was seriously hurtContinue Reading
Vatican City – Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told journalists Tuesday that rumors circulating about a possible assassination attempt on Pope Francis during his visit to the Philippines are unfounded. “In the last few days there’s been talk of this hypothesis of an assassination attempt during the trip to theContinue Reading
Jerusalem – An upcoming twenty-day Holy Land pilgrimage for priests and religious aims at being a renewal program to help them become more effective in ministry, according to one of the pilgrimage’s coordinators. “The main highlights of the program are a thorough orientation by Biblical experts, a detailed pilgrimage inContinue Reading
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