By M K George Rome, August 9, 2023: Walking around the streets of Rome, I have first been intrigued and then pained by small 2×2 inches plaques which carried names of Jews which said, for one instance, Paskvala Blazevic born 1920, arrested 28.12.1943, deported to KZMautbausen, (concentration camp in Austria)Continue Reading

By M K George Rome, August 1, 2013: The French have a word, an ‘eminence grise’ (grey eminence) which refers to a powerful decision-maker or advisor who operates behind the scenes or in a non-public or unofficial capacity. This phrase originally referred to Francois Leclerc du Tremblay, the right-hand manContinue Reading

By Matters India Reporter Agartala, July 31, 2023: Three peace rallies were held at various parts of Agartala diocese in Tripura in solidarity with the victims of violence in Manipur. In the capital city of Agartala, a candlelight rally was organized by the diocese’s women’s commission July 30 in collaborationContinue Reading

By Thomas Scaria Bengaluru, July 31, 2023: Women in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru held a rally to condemn the ongoing violence against women in Manipur, a northeastern Indian state. The Catholic Women’s Commission of the Archdiocese of Bangalore organized the July 30 rally with like-minded women organizations inContinue Reading