By Olav Albuquerque Mumbai: The 48th Chief Justice of India N V Ramana on July 15 veered around to the view that the offence of sedition should be scrapped from the statute books when he asked the federal government where was the need to retain this colonial law. “This archaicContinue Reading

By Ladislaus Louis D’Souza Mumbai: A comment posted outside Holy Family Church, a Jesuit-run parish in Andheri East, Mumbai, says: “The caged bird sang and his spirit soared.” But did it, really? The truth is that Jesuit jailbird Stan Swamy has a long way to go before his soul canContinue Reading

By A J Philip New Delhi: If St. Stephen was the protomartyr in the history of Christianity, Father Stanislaus Lourduswamy (April 26, 1937 – July 5, 2021), popularly known as Fr Stan Swamy, is the latest. His was a murder, pure and simple, executed by the Indian state, because heContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur: This piece has been inspired by two recent events. This morning (July 4), I read that “nice guy” Amir Khan was divorcing Kiran Rao, his second wife, of over a decade. The previous day I had read a Vatican News report by Devin Watkins that Pope FrancisContinue Reading

By Ram Puniyani Mumbai: One will be amazed to compare the India of today with the same a decade ago. BJP’s getting majority in the Lok Sabha (2014) has changed the political, social and economic scenario in adverse direction. The rising prices, the free fall of economy with GDP atContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur: Is Pope Francis actually getting through to India? Is his message coming across? The indices are to the contrary. Has any bishop in India written a pastoral letter on papal documents like Vos Estis Lux Mundi (promulgated on 7/5/19), regarding clerical sexual abuse; Fratelli Tutti (3/10/20) onContinue Reading

Some say Father Stan Swami is a ‘torch-bearer of the Indian Constitution’. The government says he is an instigator of violence, an anarchist who conspires, in tandem with the Maoists, to overthrow the government. As per Aristotle, the truth should lie in between. What lies in between in this caseContinue Reading