By Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Ahmedabad, May 13, 2020: The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF) has called on religious leaders and faithful, from every faith from around the world to observe May 14 as a day of prayer, fasting and charitable works the good of all humanity and forContinue Reading

By Varghese Alengaden Indore, May 12, 2020: Newspapers, TV and social media are full of stories of the plight of migrant workers stranded in various parts of India. Deaths of workers on the highways and railway tracks because of accidents and hunger have become daily news. Media also carry storiesContinue Reading

By John Dayal New Delhi, May 12, 2020: Of course there were nurses by any other name in Islamic countries, and in India before St Thomas. Midwives, Dhais and others brought our grandparents into the world. But caste and patriarchy prevented women in modern India taking up nursing as aContinue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Indore, May 8, 2020: The tragic death of 16 migrant workers on the railway tracks in Aurangabad city is the result of the callous and insensitive approach of the federal and state governments towards the burning issue of migrant workers. In fact, it is murder due toContinue Reading

By M K George, SJ Jamshedpur, May 2, 2020: The Sars-Cov-2, Coronavirus Covid-19 is, experts say, like no other virus, in its speed, stealth and virulence. As everyone knows it is a test for everything and everyone – healthcare infrastructure, disaster management ability, response and responsibility of governments as wellContinue Reading

By Fr. Sebastian Athappilly Graz, Austria, May 1, 2020: According to theistic religions, the world was created by God. But after God created it, is He still active in it? After creating human beings, does God still engage with them, in their lives? Does He play an active role amidstContinue Reading