By I P Sarto Dumka, Oct 17, 2023: More than 25,000 people, including Hindus, walked on the streets of Dumka, the second capital of Jharkhand state in eastern India, to conclude the four-day convention of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) Synod. People from seven deaneries of the Dumka diocese, dressedContinue Reading

By I P Sarto Dumka, Oct 13, 2023: The tribals irrespective of their religions and languages need to assert their human right as “Adivasis” (indigenous people), said Gladson Dungdung, a human right activist from Ranchi, capital of Jharkhand state. He was addressing the convention of the animators of the BasicContinue Reading

By Midhun J Francis Rome, Oct 1, 2023: Pope Francis has addressed thousands of pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square, during an ecumenical prayer vigil, which served as a prelude to the upcoming General Assembly of the Synod. Representatives from various Christian traditions, including Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Mainline Protestant, and Evangelical-PentecostalContinue Reading

By Joe Palathunkal Ahmedabad, Sept 16, 2023: A renowned Jesuit missiologist, who had studied missionary life as part of his vocation within the vocation, has died. Father Joseph Valiamangalam died of diabetic complication on September 14 at Vadodara in Gujarat state. He was 73. He was a member of theContinue Reading