By Matters India Reporter Tallur, June 25, 2024: As many as 20 young people from seven Indian states have committed to becoming lay missionaries through the Communio missionary training program. The commitment ceremony took place on June 23 at St. Francis Assisi Church at Tallur, Udupi diocese, Karnataka. The secondContinue Reading

By I P Sarto Burdwan, April 14, 2024: A group of youth of Asansol diocese has decided to become Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) animators in their parishes. The decision came during an orientation held at Chetana Pastoral Center, Burdwan, about 110 km northwest of Kolkata. Around 40 youth from 12Continue Reading

Matters India Reporter Kolkata, March 1, 2024: A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Compliance and Strategy workshop held on 1st March in Nitika Don Bosco drew over 80 hopeful fund seekers from Kolkata and districts. The program organised by Bosconet India in collaboration with Don Bosco Development Office of Kolkata SalesiansContinue Reading

Fr.C.M. Paul Siliguri, December 19, 2023 : A premier Catholic school in North Bengal staged an ambitious musical performance marking its golden jubilee with two-day open air mega event by 1,200 children teaching and learning from animal kingdom. Some 12,000 people including school children and their guardians, as well asContinue Reading