By C M Paul Nashik, Jan. 4, 2019: Some 4,500 plus scouts and guides from all over India celebrated New Year with 11 types of adventure sports. They are the participants of a five-day national jamboree christened Boscoree that began at Nashik, a holy city in Maharashtra, on December 30.Continue Reading

By C.M. Paul Nashik, Jan. 2, 2019: Some 4,500 plus Scouts and Guides from all over India gathered at the national jamboree christened Boscoree at Nashik for a 5-day meet from December 30 celebrated new year with 11 types of adventure sports. Program Coordinator of Boscoree Father Glenford Lowe, said,Continue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Indore, January 2, 2019: A movement that promotes value education for peace has awarded seven students from various parts of India for their honest way of living the core human ethical values. “This award will always remind your conscience to be honest in what you speak andContinue Reading

C.M. Paul Nashik — The five day National Boscoree being held at Nashik from December 30, 2018 to January 3, 2019 had a glittering start with 4535 people participating. The 13th National Boscoree began with great pomp and fanfare at 2.00 pm on 30th December with 4058 scouts-guides and 477Continue Reading

By Matters India Reporter New Delhi, Dec. 29, 2018: A Dalit Christian author and activist on December 29 urged a group of children from her community to follow the example of Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Constitution of India, and a founding father of the Republic ofContinue Reading

By Matters India reporter Nashilk, Dec. 28, 2018: More than 4,800 Salesian scouts and guides from around the country are scheduled to congregate at Nashik, a holy city in Maharashtra state, for their annual national gathering titled, Boscoree. Organized by the Mumbai Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco, theContinue Reading

By Matters India reporter Darjeeling, Dec. 21, 2018: Youth groups in the Darjeeling hills have been enthusiastic in participating in Radio Salesian’s popular Christmas Carol competition – Jingle Bells Season 3. Seven groups are in the competition which this year consists of two parts, radio and television segments. Besides SalesianContinue Reading

By Purushottam Nayak Raikia, Dec. 16, 2018: A Catholic school in Odisha that survived two rounds of anti-Christian violence set aside past memories and pledged to serve society as it celebrated annual day. “The school started on August 2, 2004, the same year Our Lady of Charity Church, Raikia, facedContinue Reading