Matters India reporter Darjeeling, Dec. 4, 2018: A group of 30 college lecturers from East and Northeast India spent 5 days in what resource persons (facilitators) called ‘simulation’ and ‘open space’ method in college level learning for research based teaching at undergraduate programs. The program, second in the series ofContinue Reading

Kathmandu, Dec. 3, 2018: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Embassy of India Kathmandu celebrated its 45th Annual Day on Monday. Indian Ambassador to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The Ambassador said Kendriya Vidyalaya Kathmandu has reached unprecedented heights as a centre of quality education. He said theContinue Reading

By Matters India Reporter Chennai, Nov 12, 2018: Students need to be “good”, not “smart,” says Justice Kurian Joseph of Supreme Court of India. “Do not make students smart like corporate companies. Catholic schools in India should make them ‘Good’, not smart,” Justice Joseph said. Good human beings are usefulContinue Reading

By Cheryl Francis Asansol, Nov. 9, 2018: A group of students from St Xavier’s College, Kolkata, used their Puja holidays to bring the message of cleanliness to tribals in a remote village in West Bengal. “Xavier’s ka sapna, swachh rahe Bharat apna (Xavier’s dream, let our India be clean),” echoedContinue Reading

By Percival Holt Vatican City, Oct. 31, 2018: If I were to express my experience of the Synod on Youth in a sentence, I would say, “It is indeed the work of the Holy Spirit.” I went to the synod expecting it to be like a parliament — 300 peopleContinue Reading