Sonada, Darjeeling — A youth group from Kurseong became the winners of the recently concluded Radio Salesian Christmas Carol composition competition in Nepali language Jingle Bells Season 2 – the inter-church carol competition running into its second year. The competition consisted of recording an original Christmas Carol in Neplai langaugeContinue Reading

By Gopika Ajayan Thiruvananthapuram: “I cried to sleep for many nights. I felt voiceless, felt like I could never speak up for myself.” These are the words of a 16-year-old girl who was expelled from her school for merely hugging her friend. Speaking out for the first time ever, GayatriContinue Reading

Matters India reporter Sonada: A youth group from Sonada parish became the first church group to start the Jigle Bells Season 2 in the hills to record original Christmas Carol composition in Nepali language entitled: Nazarethko Bethlehamma. Both lyrcs and music are composed by Campus Coordinator and HoD Philosophy DeptContinue Reading