Chandigarh: In an attempt to boost the youth power, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Regional Centre (Union ministry of youth affairs and sports) in collaboration with Yuvasatta organized the second SAARC youth leadership summit under 10{+t}{+h} Global Youth Peace Fest at RGNIYD Regional Centre Campus. The summitContinue Reading

Kolkata – “With regard to young people we need to have expert voice,” said 10th successor of Don Bosco marking 200th birth anniversary of the St John Bosco by a gathering of 1,900 plus delegates attending the South Asia Salesian Family Congress at Don Bosco School Liluah, September 26-28. “SometimesContinue Reading

New Delhi: Intelligence agencies in Delhi were in for a shock recently when a girl, who did her graduation from a reputed Delhi University college and went to Australia for her further studies, showed an interest in the activities of Islamic State. Top officials in the government claimed that itContinue Reading

Guwahati — A group of university students in northeast India spent time learning the basics of social entrepreneurship from one of the leading social audit authorities in India. Honorary director of Chennai based Centre for Social Initiative and Management Dr Latha Suresh on August 24 addressed some 140 students andContinue Reading

Bhubaneswar—The Solidarity Youth Movement Kerala, an unit of National Solidarity Forum (NSF), organized  three-day event s in various cities of the southern Indian state o observe  Kandhamal Day. “Our main focus is to create awareness on Kandhamal violence and preserve justice, peace and harmony, and protect Indian Constitution,” Panda, a humanContinue Reading