By Matters India Reporter Berhampur, July 15, 2022: The diocese of Berhampur in the eastern Indian state of Odisha has resolved to take environmental issues seriously. Anugraha Peetho (seat of blessings), its laity center in Mohana, used the celebration of Vana Mahotsav (forest festival) to announce several stops to preserveContinue Reading

By Matters India Reporter Bhubaneswar, April 8, 2022: An eastern India Catholic diocese has taken steps to prevent human trafficking, a form of modern slavery. “Odisha is one of the key labor-sending states in India. People who go out for jobs say there is nothing for them to stay inContinue Reading

By Shanti Pulickal Berhampur: Physically challenged or differently abled persons were considered a curse in the Old Testament. On seeing a blind person, Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; heContinue Reading