M.K.George Rome: Last Sunday (September 19), St. Peter’s Square saw one of the largest crowds in two years, since the empty days of corona virus, to pray the Angelus with Pope Francis. What a thrilling experience, when thousands put their hands together, some call out ‘Papa, Papa,’ and thousands smileContinue Reading

Mumbai, July 7, 2020: As the number of coronavirus infections surge across the country, minority religious institutions, staying true to their values of humanism, have shown the way by offering their premises to be converted to quarantine centers or hospitals to strengthen the fight against the pandemic. In Mumbai, PawanContinue Reading

Aizawl, May 1, 2020: Raphael A.V.L. Malchhanhima, who hit the headlines with his selfless service in traversing over 3,300km to bring his friend’s body home from a south Indian state, has shared the cash reward he received from people as an honour for his commendable service with the Mizoram governmentContinue Reading

Vatican, Mar 3, 2020: The Diocese of Rome has canceled all public Masses until April 3 in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The announcement by the vicar general of the diocese, published on Mar 8 evening, follows a decree by the Italian government suspending all public religious ceremonies. “The ChurchContinue Reading