By Deepa Alexander Chennai: Hero of the famed nursery rhyme, part of Passion week lore… In Chennai, the hot cross bun is flavored by Anglo-Indian, Vietnamese and English recipes. “The van used to draw up just around 11 in the morning, when the Stations of the Cross got over,” recallsContinue Reading

By Gilbert Choondal Kolkata: Easter Triduum begins with Maundy Thursday and ends with Easter. Eucharist is the main theme that runs through all these three days. We begin the Day-One with the Institution of Eucharist, Day-Two with the real sacrifice of the Lord (Qurbana), and finally Day-Three culminating the fullContinue Reading

By: Dr. George Jacob. We, especially the Christians once again are in the ‘thick of observing’ the Holy Week. The week commemorates the supreme sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Christ believed by Christians to be the son of Jehovah god, by shedding His blood on the cross at Calvary, sacrificed himselfContinue Reading