Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala: A court in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has sentenced criminal Devinder Singh, popularly known as ‘Bunty Chor’, to 10 years in prison for burgling a city-based businessman’s residence in 2013. The criminal, who was convicted of the crime in April, was arrested by the Kerala police from a hotel in PuneContinue Reading

Kerala: Green weddings may soon become a mainstream phenomenon if the state government has its way. As part of a plan to popularize eco-friendly and zero waste marriages, the government has begun discussions with religious and social organizations. The programme will be implemented with the support of local bodies andContinue Reading

Palakkad,Kasargod(Kerala): Two Keralites, who allegedly joined terror groups last year, have reportedly been killed in Syria and Afghanistan in airstrikes by the US. The deceased were identified as Yahya and Abu Thahir, both hailing from Palakkad, and had reportedly joined Islamic State and al-Qaida, respectively, police said. They were amongContinue Reading

Thiruvananthapuram: After repeated delay in receiving justice for his brother who died in police custody, Sreejith resumed his months-long hunger strike in front of the Kerala state secretariat. Sreejith’s brother Sreejeev died in May 2014 at Parassala Police station in Thiruvananthapuram. The police had informed Sreejith that his brother committedContinue Reading

Kochi: In the coming years, rather than being known for its literacy levels, Kerala will be called as ‘The Internet State’ of the country. This will be the case because Kerala state finance minister Thomas Issac has proposed to make internet access a basic human right in his budget speech.Continue Reading