Crown Heights, September 10, 2019: Missionaries from the Institute of the Incarnate Word have been pounding the pavement this September to invite Brooklynites around St. Teresa of Avila, Crown Heights, and Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph’s, Prospect Heights, to church. The group of 40 religious brothers and sisters, most of themContinue Reading

By John B Monteiro “If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.” H L Mencken (1880-1956), American journalist and satirist. Missionaries are no more a joke. In some African countries where cannibalism was prevalent, when they killed and roasted a person,Continue Reading

Vatican City: Nuncios must be missionaries of the Gospel in every corner of the world, “going out” physically, culturally and through prayer and Adoration. This was underlined this morning by Pope Francis celebrating Mass in Casa Santa Marta with the papal representatives from around the world, on the occasion ofContinue Reading