Human sperm has been sent to the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time, as NASA tries to find out if humans could ever conceive in space. Carried aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, the sperm will be the subject to a number of experiments to see howContinue Reading

It didn’t find little green men, but the Kepler space telescope has discovered 1,284 new planets outside our solar system — more than doubling the total number, NASA announced Tuesday. Of the new trove of 1,284, almost 550 could be rocky planets like Earth, based on their size. And nineContinue Reading

April 7 was a grand day for India. A team led by Guwahati lad Manas Pratim Borah and lead designers Deepika Ram Davuluri and Shekhar D. Pathak made the country proud as they shouldered the immense responsibility of representing Team India International in collaboration with the International Space Education Institute,Continue Reading