By Matters India Reporter Panaji, Oct 24, 2023: Taking a cue from Pope Francis, Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrao, archbishop of Goa and Daman, has invited the priests, Religious and lay people in the western Indian archdiocese to observe October 27 as a day of prayer, penance and fasting for peace.Continue Reading

By R M Emmanuel Akilan Devakottai, Oct 16, 2023: “I know that you are all Jesuits, but are you all Catholics?” asked a bishop in northeastern India when a group of Jesuits met him during the first phase of the Synod. This sarcastic and pessimistic attitude was shared by manyContinue Reading

By Midhun J Francis Rome, Oct 1, 2023: Pope Francis has addressed thousands of pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square, during an ecumenical prayer vigil, which served as a prelude to the upcoming General Assembly of the Synod. Representatives from various Christian traditions, including Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Mainline Protestant, and Evangelical-PentecostalContinue Reading

Vatican City, Sept 11, 2023: Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone had an unexpected encounter at The Vatican September 8, when he learned that Pope Francis is a devoted fan of his films. Accompanied by his family and brother, Stallone was introduced to the Pope in a meeting captured and shared onContinue Reading