Pope Francis has accepted a 100 per cent electric car in a pilot project to help the Vatican become an “emission-free mobility” state. The Vatican seeking to become one of the world’s first states to be 100 per cent powered by renewable energy. The project is helping to align theContinue Reading

Pope Francis released a beautiful Lenten message titled “The Word.” During this time, Pope Francis has called for everyone to recall Lent symbolizes a time of new beginnings and to recall Christ’s “victory over death.” He also made three very special points for us to all remember this Lenten season.Continue Reading

The ongoing conflict in Yemen was singled out by Pope Francis during his speech to Vatican diplomats at the beginning of the year. Speaking of the need for dialogue and calling for courageous gestures, he urged international leaders to foster reconciliation in Yemen, one of the Arab world’s poorest countriesContinue Reading