Vatican City: Catholics will forgive their priests for almost any weakness, but not for an exaggerated attachment to money or for mistreating parishioners, Pope Francis told 160 priests who work in Vatican nunciatures around the world. “The people of God have a great nose” for sniffing out priests who serveContinue Reading

Francis is trying to build a Roman Catholic Church that emphasizes inclusion and mercy, and focuses on serving poor and marginalized people. Can the 79-year-old pontiff appoint enough like-minded cardinals to ensure that his vision of the church will endure after he dies? The College of Cardinals is responsible for electing aContinue Reading

Vatican City: The Catholic Church`s highest-ranking diplomat wished US President-elect Donald Trump well on Wednesday, saying he would pray for the new incumbent to be “enlightened”. “We wish the new president well, that he may have a truly fruitful government,” Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told the papalContinue Reading

Mumbai: Following Pope Francis’ reaffirmation on Tuesday that the Catholic Church’s ban on women priests “will continue forever”, feminist groups have raised the question of patriarchy in positions of power in the Church. While a majority supports the Pope and there is no point in re-opening a closed debate, aContinue Reading

Representing the South Sudan Council of Churches, South Sudan’s religious leaders traveled to Rome on 26-30 October, meeting with Pope Francis on 27 October. The visiting delegation included Archbishop Paulino Lukudu Loro of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Juba, Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak of the Episcopal Church of Sudan,Continue Reading