By chhotebhai Kanpur, Sept 19, 2022: The Synod on Synodality was kick-started in October 2021.The first phase, the national level, was to conclude by August 16 and the National Syntheses (NS) were to be sent to the Synod Secretariat at the Vatican. A communiqué from Rene Reid, Director, Catholic ChurchContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Oct 28, 2021: What a silly question. It is just eleven kilometres from Jerusalem. There’s more to it than meets the eye though. There are just two references to Emmaus in the Bible, one each in both the Testaments. In the light of the Synod on SynodalityContinue Reading

By Don Aguiar Mumbai, Oct 16, 2021: One of the tragedies of contemporary Catholicism is that the Church has become overly politicized. We are not talking about being political in the elevated sense of the word — that is, committed to the ecclesial community as well as to the polis.Continue Reading

By Suresh Mathew New Delhi, Oct 9, 2021: The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who took the name of Francis of Assisi, as the 266th Pope in 2013, stirred the Catholic Church as never before in its recent history. His speeches, actions, Apostolic Letters and Encyclicals were the beginningContinue Reading

To The Ecclesiastical Heads of the Catholic Church in India 1st October 2021 AN OPEN LETTER ON SYNODALITY Respected Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Apostolic and Diocesan Administrators, Peace of Christ! A week from now our dearly beloved Pope Francis will solemnly open the proceedings for the 16 th Ordinary General AssemblyContinue Reading

By Irudhaya Jothi Agartala: The clergy along with their Bishop Lumen Monteiro of Agartala discussed the Diocesan Synod on Synodality. The Holy Cross prelate explained to the priests gathered at the Bishop’s House in Agartala on September 8 the topic of Synodality and urged everyone to start planning for theContinue Reading

By Virginia Saldanha Mumbai: Pope Francis called for a Synod on Synodality because he wants that all the bishops of the world walk the talk of joint responsibility with all the People of God in the Church – ordained and non-ordained. Synod means “walking together,” reflecting on the path traveled,Continue Reading