By Matters India Reporter

New Delhi, May 25, 2020: All Christian denominations in India have decided to pray together for their nation on May 31, the feast of Pentecost.

“As we struggle through these unprecedented times, we come united as one, believing for a better tomorrow, believing for a Covid-free India,” says a press release announcing the Prayer of Hope.

“We abide by the law of the land, and we bring our voices, our prayers and ring the church bell to resonate the sound of hope to every corner of our nation, as per the directives in place,” adds the release issued by Indore-based Christian Media Forum.

The program includes praying for “the unsung heroes,” who fight the coronavirus such as doctors, nurses and healthcare workers. The Christians in India will also pray for police and other law and order enforcing personals, grocers, truckers, farmers, those maintaining supply of electricity, water and other essential services.

“All these and others, who are on the front lines, need God’s special protection as they serve us,” the press release explained.

The day also marks the feast of Pentecost when Churches celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on Christ’s disciples 50 days after Resurrection, the rising of the Lord from the dead.

“It is the day that the Church was formed and is hence a very solemn and important day for the community,” the press release explained.

However, the Churches in India would also dedicate the day to pray for the nation “as we come united in these very difficult and trying circumstances,” it added.

At 12 noon, bells in all churches and Christian institutions would be rung while Christians will sing the song “How great thou art” from wherever they are. They would also say the Our Father prayer for the nation. The prayer program would conclude with the National Anthem.

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  1. If Modiji praise and worship the creations ( their gods), why won’t we praise and worship the Creator of the whole universe and beyond?, lets not just hide inside our rooms to pray, instead, for a change lets shout out and make noise to our God of gods and Lord of lords in unison ” Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth”..

  2. This is an exact “imitation of Modi’s calls for clapping hands, ringing bells or beating plates and lighting lamps etc.”

    There is already “sufficient noise pollution”. Please do not increase the level of pollution by ringing, singing and praying (loudly). To me this is quite ridiculous. This sounds like a ‘craze for CHEAP PUBLICITY AND VISIBILITY’.

    God knows our needs before we ask. Then why is this ‘drama’?


    People must be taught to “PRAY IN SILENCE”.

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