By Matters Indian Report
Mumbai, Sept 3, 2020: Women and LGBTQIA persons have come to the forefront of a movement to save India’s Constitution.
As part of the :#IfWeDontRiseNowcampaign,” thousands of individuals and groups from across the country have come together to raise their voices on the issues both on-line and on the ground.
One state where the movement has gained much momentum is Maharashtra, western India.
The groups there have planned events in each of the state’s 33 districts. Many civil society organizations, networks, activists and concerned citizens too have come forew3ard to plan events both locally and at the state level.
The organizers have appealed to artists, intellectuals, academicians and concerned citizens all over the country and especially from Maharashtra to join the campaign on September 5.
They will share videos of 2-5 minutes on various social media platforms, do Facebook lives, share e posters, animation, memes, songs and performances and circulate on the social media.
Other programs include gathering in small groups with placards and slogans while observing physical distancing norms.
They will submit memoranda on different issues to local authorities.
They will also prepare a State Charter of Demands and present it to state chief minister.
The day long campaign will end with a state level program between 5:30 to 8:30 pm. They will feature talks by prominent activists, artists and public intellectuals along with cultural performances.