Mumbai: Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, has encouraged Catholics in India to read Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical.

In a YouTube message, he spoke about Pope Francis’ Encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’ (All Brothers), released to coincide with the feast of St Francis of Assisi, October 4.

The title is drawn from St Francis’ own words and addresses “‘Fraternity and Social Friendship’… a life marked by the flavor of the Gospel…which calls for a love that transcends the barriers of geography and distance.”

Fratelli Tutti continues the theme set in Pope Francis’ previous encyclicals and exhortations, notably ‘Laudato Si’ (on care for our common home, 2015) and ‘Gaudete et Exsultate,’ (Rejoice and Be Glad, 2018) where he reiterates the ‘gospel of the poor’ and emphasizes the need for the whole world to live as one family, to eradicate selfishness and individualism.

“Though not specifically related to the pandemic, the message is very relevant to our present situation. There are lessons for everyone to take home,” Cardinal Gracias said.

The cardinal invited all to read this very important message for present times.

For the complete encyclical one may read at


  1. The Cardinal and the CBCI seem to be having their “own priorities”. The Cardinal must FIRST appeal to all the priests and nuns to read the Encyclical as many of them are still ignorant about this. Example: I had sent the copy of the Encyclical to a nun who asked me “What is this?”
    Physicians, heal yourself!

  2. Unfortunately Cardinal Gracias’ inability to address grave issues in the church in India have robbed him of his credibility.

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