Bhopal: Catholic churches of Madhya Pradesh will eventually have women doing rituals, exclusively exercised by priests so far.

While the nun may take the lead and it will not prevent lay people to be part of it. It will be open for all, says Archbishop Leo Cornelio of Bhopal, president of Council of Bishops of Madhya Pradesh.

The impetus comes from the recent announcement of Pope Francis to allow women to do more rituals during Mass

The Catholic churches in the central Indian state will execute the orders of greater involvement of women in liturgy, which had been done only by priests until now.

“We will not do the implementation hurriedly. Instead, we will discuss it first in a meeting with the bishops which we will be keeping on January 22. Thereafter, the discussion will be put forth on a diocesan level about its implementation,” Archbishop Cornelio told The Times of India.

The prelate also said the changes will be introduced in progressive dioceses. The traditional dioceses would take time to get used to the changes, he added.

While Mumbai may start it earlier, smaller cities might take some time.

Churches will have to train the people and gradually the churches can implement it, Archbishop Cornelio explained.

Along with some theology, training will also be planned for being one of the celebrants of the Mass.

Catholic women have lauded the changes

President of Catholic Religious of India (CRI) Indore, Sister Manisha Fernandes welcomed the Pope’s gesture and said that it would be a privilege.

“After becoming a nun, I had this thought of being kept in a separate corner as only the males are given the main duty of the church. Not saying that we should be ordained. This is a small step and in future that too might happen. We’re not completely at the alter but this is a step ahead,” she added.


  1. Methinks the kindly Archbishop is overreacting! What “rituals”, be these within the Mass or outside it, is he talking of giving to women in his diocese—administering the Sacrament of Confession? The Acolyte ministry is non-existent in India and isn’t even needed. As for ‘Lectors’, that ministry already has women (including nuns) proclaiming the Word of God at Mass apart from distributing Holy Communion. Preaching during Mass is out of bounds for the non-ordained. Is there then any question of women preaching to the congregation after the reading of the Gospel? So basically, the Pope’s gesture is pretty superficial – amusing to men and neither here nor there for women!

  2. I met Abp Cornelio for just the second time, earlier this month at Abp Raphy’s installation. He comes across as a humble and open minded person.

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