By M L Satyan

Bengaluru, Jan 8, 2022: The recent attacks of Hindu fundamentalist groups on Christian churches/worship places/institutions in different parts of India are quite alarming.

In this regard I wish to quote the content of the recent e-mail received from Father Suresh Mathew, editor of Indian Currents. These are very thought-provoking and invite the readers to do a sincere introspection.

Quote: “Hindutva brigade vandalized, attacked, disrupted Christmas celebrations at several places across the country.

1. Sangh Parivar activists burned the effigy of Santa Claus shouting “Santa Claus Murdabad” in Agra, UP

2. Protests in front of Matridham Ashram, Varanasi, UP, shouting “Church Murdabad”.

3. Haryana Bajrangdal activists protested against Christian schools celebrating Christmas.

4. Hanuman Chalisa was played by a few zealots in Kurukshetra, Haryana on a stage set up for Christmas celebrations.

5. Statue of Holy Redeemer was vandalized in Ambala, Haryana.

6. Christmas celebration was disrupted in Gurugram, Haryana.

7. Bajrangdal activists stormed a church in Silchar, Assam, during the midnight Mass.

8. Christmas celebrations were interrupted by right wing groups at Nirmala school, Mandya, Karnataka.

The Narendra Modi government’s oft repeated slogan is alluring: “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Viswas” (Together with all, for the development of all, and with the trust of all). It sounds good; it gladdens the hearts. But, it seems, the ‘all’ does not include the minorities in the country.

What is at stake is people’s fundamental right to live and freedom to practice a religion of their choice. Christians are becoming sitting ducks to Hindutva goons wherever they are – at worshiping places, in trains, buses and other public places.

Christians’ right to be Christians is no less constitutional than the rights of those following the majority religion. The spurt in attacks has phenomenally gone up after new anti-conversion laws have been enacted in many BJP-ruled States.

However, certain sections of the Church hierarchy do not seem to have their ear to the ground. Their knee-jerk reaction is tantamount to turning a blind eye to the attackers. There have been voices of concern and condemnation coming from several countries and world organizations censuring these attacks.

But the Church hierarchy adopts an ostrich-type approach as if it is under the spell of the sweet talk of the government and its vague assurances.” – unquote.

The latest to be added to the above list is the “refusal of the renewal of the FCRA” of Missionaries of Charity sisters by the Home Ministry. I wish to take the tail piece of what Fr. Suresh is saying – the type of response from the Church hierarchy.

Govt. response: Besides Covid-19/Omicron tragedies, the country has been facing economic crisis; growing unemployment; crony capitalism; government’s capture of Election Commission, Reserve Bank of India, Central Bureau of Investigation, Parliament, Judiciary and Media; China’s invasion on the India-China borders; planned destruction of farming and farmers etc.

The greatest irony is that the ruling government’s priorities have been construction of Ram Temple, State-level Elections and building Central Vista etc. The rulers turn deaf ears to various tragedies in the country. On the one side the Prime Minister tells the people on Christmas Day that they should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. On the other side, the fundamentalist groups supported by his party attack the Christians and their worship places.

Modern prophets: The simple, yet dynamic and indomitable farmers protested on the Delhi borders for little more than a year. They had the courage to oppose the farm laws that will harm the agriculture sector. Every farmer’s voice was quite prophetic. Ultimately their protest made the arrogant ruling government to withdraw the three farm laws.

The church leaders: What are the church leaders doing? What has been the response of the papal nuncio in India, CBCI/CCBI, CRI and other Christian organizations on the attacks by Hindu fundamentalists? In spite of having enormous institutions, writers, social/human rights activists, rallies, meetings candle-light marches Stan Swamy could not be brought out of the jail and finally he died in police custody. What does it show? The church is still not prophetic.

The church leaders have their own “petty agendas” like liturgical celebrations, building churches etc. They do not seem to be concerned about what the nation is going through presently. They have failed to exercise their “prophetic responsibility” to challenge the pro-crony capitalist Prime Minister who is leading the nation towards disaster.

Be prophetic: Let these church leaders read the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Amos and understand how the prophets challenged the corrupt rulers of their time and spoke on behalf of the oppressed people. Here are some samples:

“Listen to this, you that trample on the needy and try to destroy the poor of the country. You say to yourselves, “We can hardly wait for the holy days to be over so that we can sell our corn. When will the Sabbath end, so that we can start selling again? Then we can overcharge, use false measures and tamper with the scales to cheat our customers. We will find a poor man who cannot pay his debts, not even the price of a pair of sandals, and we will buy him as a slave.” (Amos 8:4-6).

“The Lord has an accusation to bring against this land… There is no faithfulness or love in the land…The people make promises and break them; they lie, murder, steal, and commit adultery. Crimes increase and there is one murder after another.” (Hosea 4:1-2).

What did Jesus do? He always stood by the side of the excluded communities and reached out the unreached. He challenged the exploitative hierarchical structure, corrupt rulers, officials and priests. He knew very well that he had to pay a heavy price – death on the cross. Yet, he fought till the end.

The present-day church leaders can be compared to the three monkeys. They choose not to listen to the cries of the exploited people, not to see the injustices done at various levels and not to speak against the oppressors and oppressive systems. What a witness to Jesus.


  1. That’s right Mr George Nedumparambil! And to fiercely kick that ball real hard we need someone with fire in the belly to head the Church in India—perhaps a firebrand like the Right Reverend Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, to galvanize all Christians across the length and breadth of the country to stand up for their rights today, nay NOW! before it is too late!!

  2. It’s time we begin the bottom up approach. If every parish can organize and speak out and form human communities, we have a chance to take people together,
    Within the constitutional framework..

  3. In Goa, disturbing news is being circulated, by a whatsApp claimed Hindu Samaj group, stating that there was a Devi temple at the site where now stands the Facade of the Church, where St. Jose Vaz made his vow of enslaving his life to Mary.
    The novenas are going on these days with police force, protecting.
    The agenda seems to be – Hindu Rashtra all over…
    This is perhaps, a start of religious riots in our peaceful state of Goa.
    Can the Unity of Hindu Rashtra be with a oneness for every citizen, for food, clothing, shelter and opportunities for development, growth and peaceful co-existence instead of all this hate mongering religiosity?

  4. The church Hierarchy has a greater responsibility in making the voice o7f the exploited heard. In doing the Indian church will be targeted and disrupted further . The church has to be ready to go the process of Death and Resurrection.
    We all need to come out of our comfort zone from the institutionised church if we all want to be prophetic .

  5. Unfortunately the hierarchical church leadership and”recognised” organisations are indeed blind dumb and deaf.

  6. Well said. By the way, the Nuncio is a diplomat and is constrained by his office in commenting on indian political issues. But he can and should comment on issues in the church, including clericalism. Patriarchy, casteism Elitism, Islamaphobia and chasing money.

  7. The constitution of India guarantees right to religion and to practice,propogate the same.
    The silence and the exemplary action not taken by the central government speaks volumes of sidelining of the very same constitution of India.
    They don’t see this as law and order problem.
    The governance is at a very low level.

  8. The moment the army of salesmen deployed by various evangelical groups are withdrawn on pan-India basis, the attack will stop. Hindu hardliners are dead serious about ensuring that conversion activities stop in India. The ball is in the court of Christians.

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