By Varghese Alengaden

Indore, April 13, 2022: The Catholic Church in Kerala witnessed a painful event on April 10, the Palm Sunday.

Social media groups have circulated video clips of Cardinal George Alencherry, head of the Syro-Malabar Church, celebrating Palm Sunday Mass in St Mary’s Basilica in Ernakulam (Kochi).

Ironically, the cardinal came to the church with a posse of police force — 3 Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4 Inspectors, 12 Sub-Inspectors, 12 women police, 31 Special branch police and 12 Commando force, besides an Additional Magistrate and several police personnel in civil dress.

The Palm Sunday, the beginning of the Holy Week, commemorates the entry of Jesus to Jerusalem on a mule. The Holy Week allows Christians to relive the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. It is a time for reflection and renewal through prayer, fasting and penance.

Despite having great popularity, Jesus had no intention of capturing power. Instead of riding on a horse he chose to come on a mule symbolizing humility and peace.

What we saw in St Mary’s Basilica was a mockery and betrayal of Jesus Christ.

I have written so many times that the root cause of all problems in the Church is due to drifting away from the way of Christ. Distorting Christ’s teachings by its leaders leads to divisions and conflicts in the Church.

On Holy Thursday, the Church commemorates the ritual of washing the feet of disciples by Jesus. After setting an example of servant leadership by washing the feet of his disciples, Christ spoke in very clear terms, “If I, your master, has washed your feet, you also shall do this ….. The first among you shall be the servant of all.”

The drifting away from the way of Christ and distortion of His teachings can be seen among the Church leaders who imitate the fascist politicians and dictators who suppress dissent. Pluralism of accepting, appreciating and promoting difference is the heritage we have received from Jesus.

By drifting away from Jesus, the institutional or imperial Church and its leaders are following the fanatic ways of imposing uniformity in silly matters like facing or not facing congregation during Mass.

The entire conflict on liturgy is proving the spiritual and intellectual bankruptcy of the Church leaders. Instead of following the example of the Good Shepherd leadership of Jesus, the bishops are betraying Jesus and acting like political leaders with hatred, revenge and violence.

Going to offer Mass in a church with a posse of police personnel for security is a shame and scandal. It is a shame that the head of the Church was afraid of attacks from priests and people. There was no sign of any threat from anyone.

Even when Mahatma Gandhi was warned of serious threat to his life, he had insisted not to have any security check of the people who were coming to his prayer meeting in Birla house on January 30, 1948. He was ready to die for a cause.

It is a spiritual bankruptcy and scandal that Cardinal Alencherry wanted police protection to offer Mass in the church. He should be ready to die, if he is doing the right thing. That is what Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you have not chosen the cause for which you should die, you have no reason to live.”

All Church leaders who cause scandal and betray the teachings of Christ should remember what Jesus had said,” It is better for him that a millstone was hung about his neck, and he was cast into the sea.”

On Good Friday bishops and priests would preach about Judas betraying Christ for thirty silver coins. What is the credibility of bishops and priests to preach against Judas when they themselves indulge in scandals, hypocrisy and politics with money power and muscle power?

The bishops and priests shall repent and change their lives, following Jesus who accepted the foolishness of the Cross. Reconciliation and fellowship are more important than insisting on the uniformity of celebration of rituals. Following the teachings of Christ is more important than the imposed institutional discipline.

We need to ask at every moment “What would Jesus do if He were here? What is the mind of Christ? What is the heart of Christ?” Like St. Peter, the first Pope, each bishop, priest, religious and lay person should have the courage to say, “We must obey God more than man.” Following the example of Christ, each one of us should have the courage to disobey and reject all the laws and rituals which do not help people to grow in spirituality.

All who are obsessed with the rituals and indulge in conflicts, hatred and scandals shall meditate on the words of prophet Amos, “I hate your religious festivals. I cannot stand them! When you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. I will not accept the animals you have fattened to bring me as offerings. Stop your noisy songs; I do not want to listen to your harps. Instead let justice flow like a stream and righteousness like a river that never goes dry.” (5: 21-25)


  1. The Church as a whole is called upon to come to terms with the weight of a culture steeped in Clericalism, which it inherited from its history, and of forms of exercising authority on which are grafted the different types of abuse – of power, economics, conscience, sexual.
    We are all called, therefore, to become aware of these erroneous practices of obedience and of the exercise of authority in the Church, which unfortunately have arisen both in parishes and in the old and new communities of consecrated life or lay associations.
    Says, Sister Nathalie Becquart, the under-secretary at the Synod of Bishops office in Rome
    The reflection above is clear example of Church into Clerficalism, and excessive erroneous practice of Obedience!

  2. We all know that there are priests and bishops who are leading humble lives. But some do not seem to be in that category. But the sorry state of affairs cannot improve by our accusations of some priests or bishops. The fact that the spiritual life of all catholics including bishops , priests , the religious and the lay persons is just limited to a Sunday attendance or recital of rosary or some bookish prayer , completely ignoring the need to follow the Sacred teachings of Christ and the need to lead a humble , simple and truthful life.
    Currently accusations are on Cardinal Alenchery, Bishop Franco and the alleged rape victim sister. Will they dare to tell the Truth, bearing Jesus Christ in their interiority , ready to lose their name, fame and position and even to accept punishment if they are guilty ? They should examine their conscience and the scandal they are responsible for, humbly and truthfully and if there is any blemish they should leave their position. We do not condemn them but only wish good relationship with Jesus Christ. There is need for thorough overhaul not only in Syro Malabar , or in Kerala but the whole world. Only when we know the great hiatus between the Teachings of Christ and the deep secular ways the Church is administered , we feel the pain.

  3. Jesus would care two hoots to what is happening around the world and Syro Malabar Sabha in particular in his name. He did not found any Christianity or established any priesthood replacing the then existing Jewish priests. Jesus was a Jew and we’ll versed in Jewish Torah (which subsequently became old testament for Christians). He was son of Jewish god Yahweh who identifies himself as god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob all of them were Jews. Jesus was not in any doubt of his mission as received from his father that he outlined when he sent out his twelve disciples. Jesus told them,

    (New King James Version)
    “These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans”. He further told them to seek out the lost sheep of Israel, meaning Jews who had had to run away from Israel due to various invasions. Paul is the father of Christianity as it was he twisted matters around and interpreted that Jesus was for gentiles (non-Jews) too. He was not among the original disciples of Jesus. So our Church knows that anything goes and is good as long as cash come tickling in with no questions asked.

  4. Fr.Varghese Alengaden’s reflections are very appropriate. However, he speaks from a missionary perspective. Those of us who labour in mission lands outside Kerala know the worth of Fr. Varghese’s point of view.
    There may be a miniscule minority of priests and religious in Kerala who may have such views. Either they are silent by threat perceptions or choose silence in a non-parisan pose. In my humble view Kerala Church has lost the missionary spirit and is busy sitting on its laurels. That is why, instead of a humble donkey, gunwielding police guards are employed for the royal entry of the Prince.

  5. The author has presented his views that sounds like all bishops and priests ‘indulge in scandals, hypocrisy and politics with money power and muscle power’. There are priests and bishops whom I know live very holy life.

  6. Allengaden himself belonging to the Syro-Malabar Church has called a spade a spade. Had any one else said the same thing he would have immediately be labelled as anti Malayalee or anti Oriental churches. A layperson would also be immediately termed anti-clerical and his children thrown out of the church school.
    I do not go for the washing of the feet as I find it hypocritical. For 10 minutes in a year you behave as a servant and the rest of the time like an overlord. Thanks but no thanks.

  7. The author has hit the nail on the head when he highlights spiritual and intellectual bankruptcy [i’d like to add moral too] that underlines the state of the Indian Church today. In the well devised cover-ups and pretended ignorance of different forms of leadership failure, be it abuse and harassment by the Clergy, corruption of leadership, blatant blindness to the reality causing increasing numbers of suicides in convents, we see Christ denied, and Christ sold for a pittance every day in the Church. We don’t need a Good Friday to weep for Christ who is apparently dead in the Church … among her leaders and the faithful.

    To cover up our complicity in this situation, the faithful are fed with meaningless, repetitive rituals – often the meaning of which is unknown or has been long lost. A social conditioning not to question authority or challenge their doings however much they contravene ethical, moral and spiritual norms has led to a fear ridden faithful [clergy and religious who can see the corrosion and ordinary people] who choose silence rather than imitating Jesus in exhibiting a righteous anger when he challenged the wrongs against the divine creator and injustices against the faithful in the temple.

    I agree with the author that it is more important to challenge imposed institutional discipline regarding following of rituals, to bring back Christ into our Church and world today. WWJD …. What would Jesus do if he were here today?
    Would he be kissing the bishop’s rings, running circles of deference around them to do their bidding, OR WOULD OBEDIENCE TO DIVINE WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE ?

    If we want to celebrate the risen Christ on Easter Sunday let us make sure he is seen risen in each of us who claim to follow him. We must choose to witness Christ by putting on his heart and mind and let them guide our thoughts, words and actions. We must work to bring his vision back into our Church and challenge all those who cover up Christ’s absence in the church and its actions with meaningless rituals and external authority and punishment Else all the Alleluias we may proclaim about his rising, we will know deep down in our hearts that in reality our choices witness that we have denied him, sold him and left his behind in the tomb.

  8. Scandals, hypocrisy, politics with money and muscle power have become part and parcel of the Indian Church. Kerala and Kolkata are on the same page, especially the Archdiocese of Calcutta (though not be on such a high scale as the Syro-Malabar Church!). The current parish priest of Ignatius Church kidderpore (Ekbalpore) who has court cases against him yet being backed by the Archbishop, is a case in point. He asked one of his workers who took ill and has since been laid off, to send her college going daughter him for “work.” There are many more skeletons of sex and sleaze in the cupboard of the Archdiocese. Franco Mulakkals and K.A. William are being spawned and nurtured in many dioceses because they rake in moolah. The Laity still remains in deep slumber.

  9. To summarise- – there is a widespread replacement of spirituality by secular thoughts among all the Catholics from top to bottom. Accusing the clergy alone will not change the atmosphere. We, the bishops, priests, religious and laypersons should meditate on the washing of feet of creatures by the Holy creator and try to be humble and simple. There is no other remedy.

  10. What was the reason for Cardinal George Alencherry to bring such a huge security forces to the church? What or who was he afraid of? Is he a true cardinal appointed by the Holy See? Or a politician and political leader of a group of people excluded from the main church?

  11. It is a well known fact that a vast majority of the authorities in the Catholic Church (who are vested with unquestionable powers) have their own selfish agenda “to remain in power” by hook or crook. The “Servant Model” that Jesus demonstrated in his life has become a “forgotten story”. As a consequence, there is a continuous exodus of the Catholic people to join other Christian groups. But… the church authorities NEVER bother about this!!!

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