By Adolf Washington

Bengaluru, Sept 5, 2022: Ask any Marian devotee the reason for their devotion.

You are sure to get one or all of these replies: “I am thankful to Her. She interceded for me to Jesus. My prayer was answered.” “I seek her intercession for my important needs.”“I just feel so comforted. I am at peace when I go to her.”

Faith is not a product of academic discourse but is born of a deep personal experience. I have faith in my Mother, my Spouse, my children, my Best Friend or just about anyone, by a personal experience.

So, Faith in Mother Mary is not learnt. This is an experience a true devotee has, even without seeing her!

Saint (Mother)Teresa of Kolkata remarked “If you ever feel distressed during your day – call upon our Lady – just say this simple prayer: ‘Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.’ I must admit – this prayer has never failed me.

Interestingly, devotion to Mother Mary began way back in the 3rd century itself.

(A prayer, known in Latin as ‘Sub tuum Praesidium (Beneath Thy Protection) first found in a Greek papyrus, c. 300 A.D., is the oldest known prayer to the Virgin Mary)

Theologian Hippolytus of Rome recorded the first liturgical reference to the Virgin Mary, as part of the ordination rite of a bishop. Marian feasts began to be celebrated in the 4th century, and the feast of the “Memory of Mary, Mother of God” was celebrated on August 15 in Jerusalem by 350. Marian devotions are one of the most important elements of the Roman Catholic liturgy.

Today the world has more than 1.36 billion Catholics. In February this year, the Vatican released statistics showing that in 2020 the number of Catholics in the world had increased by 16 million.

Though Mother Mary is a beacon of Hope and Reassurance to billions (including people of other Faiths) there are still many who hurl invective at her and her devotees. They may need to more clearly understand how the doctrines and dogmas about Mary and her relationship to Christ’s purpose are deduced and deep-rooted in Scripture.

Catholic doctrine and practice regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary, states and teaches emphatically, two truths: (1) God alone, the Supreme, Infinite Being, must be adored. To adore any creature, however exalted, would be to commit idolatry. It is unfair to say that Catholics adore Mary as a goddess.

Catholics honor or venerate Mary. Jesus Christ alone is our Mediator of Redemption. He alone, by His supreme sacrifice, of infinite value, redeemed and ransomed mankind. Plainly understood, Catholics seek the extraordinary intercession of Mary as we would ordinarily seek the prayers of any devout person.

Is devotion to Mother Mary Important?

This answer is yes. Because God willed it. But why would God want us to have a relationship with His mother? Wouldn’t this distract us from Him? It seems contradictory but it is not.
(Mary is Mother of God or ‘God bearer’ (Greek-Theotokos translated ‘God bearer’ because she birthed Jesus, who is God)

A human experience explains this. For example, a young person gets to know his girlfriend’s parents. He realizes they are a good family, enjoys being with them and also starts loving them immensely. By growing in love for them will he love his girlfriend less? Actually, more good can happen. His love for his girlfriend’s family can help him get to know and love his girlfriend even more.

Something similar happens in ones’ relationship with Mary. She’s not there to distract us from God, but to lead us to Him.

We began by asking a question. So, let’s end with one. Ask any Marian devotee who has never read the Bible or learned Church teaching, the reason for his or her devotion. The answer you’ll probably get is: “I just feel drawn toward her.” The Marian Faith story doesn’t end here. It begins here.

(The writer is Former Secretary to the Archbishop and Public Relations Officer, Archdiocese of Bangalore. He can be contacted at


  1. An eye opener for me father 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Wonderful write up .and simple ..yes I really feel drawn to Mama Mary ..she is my strength when I’m low …

  3. Beautiful experience while reading about Mother Mary.

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