By Matters India Reporter

Kochi, Aug 15, 2023: Jesuit Archbishop Cyril Vasil, who has come to the southern Indian state of Kerala as Pope Francis’ delegate to resolve a liturgical dispute in the Ernakulam-Angamaly archdiocese, continues to face opposition from a large section of priests and lay people.

On August 14, the papal delegate took police help to enter the Ernakulam Cathedral Basilica that was locked for more than 260 days because of the dispute over the mode of celebrating Mass.

Ahead of the papal delegate’s arrival, hundreds of laypeople and priests laid siege to the cathedral.

Riju Kanjookaren, spokesperson of the Almaya Munnetam (laity front) that leads the protests, said the papal gate forcibly entered the basilica with the police help and “prevented the faithful from worshipping” in the church.

“After the faithful besieged the front of the basilica, the police broke open a mini gate from the nearby archbishop’s house, helped Archbishop Vasil to enter the veranda of the basilica where he lit a candle on a table and worshiped,” Kanjookaren said.

When the archbishop could not enter the basilica because of the protests, the administration called in additional police force who took the prelate inside. “Again, the police were let loose at the altar of the basilica,” Kanjookaren alleged.

Father Anthony Poothaveli, who was appointed as the Basilica vicar by Archbishop Andrews Thazhath, the apostolic administrator of the archdiocese, two months ago, entered the basilica with the papal delegate, signed the register and announced that he had assumed responsibility.

Kanjookaren recalled that the police had indulged in similar action on November 27, 2022, at the archbishop’s residence and again at the basilica on December 24 the same year.

“Priests and worshipers were injured during the police violence in the basilica courtyard. The Archdiocesan Committee and the Basilica Association protested against the police hooliganism, which ended the blockade of the faithful by force,” Kanjookaren said.

He said the protesters cleaned the basilica after the papal delegate’s departure and worshipped inside the church after eight months. They burst firecrackers to celebrate the opening of the basilica.

On August 15, the Media Commission of the Syro-Malabar Church, deplored the protests as “extremely regrettable and objectionable.”

“It is absolutely reprehensible that the very people who asked for the Pontifical Delegate are blocking him and staging protests. Those who led and participated in it are reminded that it was unjustifiable and unchristian to raise inflammatory slogans against him and create a situation of tension,” says a press statement issued by Vincentian Father Antony Vadkekara, the Church’s public relations officer.

The media commission demanded that those concerned withdraw the protests, which it says are not in accordance with the culture of Christians.

It says the protests have disgraced the “entire Church” and violated all boundaries of ecclesiastical discipline. “Disrespect and opposition to the Pontifical Delegate is disobedience and disregard for the Holy Father,” the commission said.

It hailed the delegate for showing “a noble Christian witness,” when the protesters insulted him with “the vilest and insulting” ways. “Those who have disrespected him should apologize, realize their mistakes and put aside their narrow local interests and try to stay close to the church,” it demanded.

It urged the faithful of the archdiocese to “withdraw from the vested interests” who led them with “falsehoods and secret plans” to destroy the church. “Therefore, priests and laity who embark on such struggles are requested to observe ecclesiastical discipline,” the commission asserted.

Earlier on August 13, the pontifical delegate celebrated Mass in the unified format prescribed by the synod of the Syro-Malabar Church at St John’s Church, near Cochin University, Kalamassery.

Archbishop Vasil attended the Mass that was led by Father Jacob Palackappilly. Archbishop Vasil addressed the faithful in Italian that was translated by his companion Jesuit Father Sunny Kokkaravalayil.

Archbishop Vasil has also visited the St George Church in Edappally, a major church in the archdiocese.

Earlier, he wrote a letter to the laity explaining that Pope Francis had personally appointed him as his delegate to the archdiocese to help the archdiocese implement the synodal decision on the uniform mode of celebration of Mass that was also approved by the Pope.

This has upset the protesters who want the traditional mode of offering Mass where the priest facing the people throughout service. They say the papal delegate has not come with an open mind to find a solution to the dispute.

Under the uniform mode imposed by the synod, the priest faces the people only until offertory and them for the Communion service. For the rest of the Mass he turns to the altar.

Archbishop Vasil came to Kochi, the headquarters of the Syro Malabar Church, on August 4.


  1. I quote from the report: “On August 14, the papal delegate took police help to enter the Ernakulam Cathedral Basilica that was locked for more than 260 days.”

    Has the papal delegate come to Ernakulam to prove “MIGHT IS RIGHT”??? Should we not call what he did as MISDEED? I fear that things will go from bad to worse in Kerala.

  2. When will this stupid merry go round end? Aren’t there more pressing issues for the Church to address? What is the witness value of a Vatican delegate entering the Basilica under heavy police escort? Disgraceful.

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