Maria Rekha Dsp

Panaji, May 22, 2024:Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence. – St Francis de Sales

The month of May is a very special month for us, a break from our routine and to rejuvenate ourselves once again. Within this sacred time, the Holy Mother Church invites us to honor Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of Jesus. This tradition, rooted in centuries past, traces back at least 700 years. Alfonso X of Castile, in the 13th century, penned his Cantigas de Santa Maria, celebrating Mary’s presence during specific days in May. Over time, this devotion blossomed into an entire month dedicated to our Blessed Mother.

Mary’s Intercession: A Bridge to Jesus

In 1965, Pope Paul VI promulgated the encyclical “Mense Maio,” urging us to pray for peace during May. Within its pages, he emphasized the profound connection between Mary and Jesus. When we seek Mary, we encounter Christ Himself. She cradles the Savior in her arms, a haven of salvation and a transcendent fountain of life. In moments of anxiety and peril, we turn to her, driven by the compelling needs of our hearts.

The Gift of Peace

Peace, Pope Paul VI reminds us, is not merely a human endeavor; it is a divine gift. It descends from heaven, awaiting our deserving hearts. True peace rests on the foundation of justice and love. Justice, extended even to the weakest among us, ensures that love does not yield to egoism. Mary, our intercessor, beckons us to pray unceasingly. The rosary becomes our channel to the Divine Master, echoing His promise: “Ask, and it will be given to you.”

A World in Need

Today, our world thirsts for peace more than ever. Christians suffer amidst wars, and churches bear the scars of violence. As members of the Catholic Church, we heed the call to pray. In this sacred month, let us turn to our Blessed Virgin, honoring her motherly and queenly majesty. Place her image in our homes, not merely as tradition, but as a tangible reminder of her ceaseless care.

Mary: Our Mother

Mary is not distant; she is our Mother. At dawn, we turn our gaze to her. Throughout the day, we walk beneath her protective mantle. And as night falls, we find solace under her gentle gaze. She understands our pain, bearing our crosses alongside us. Like a devoted mother, she shoulders our burdens, whispering hope into our hearts. When we are troubled and in pain, let us look at Mary at the foot of the cross. With teary eyes, yet in silence, she endured the unbearable. She never grumbled, questioned, or cursed but waited in patience. From our dear Blessed Mother, we learn the virtue of steadfast faith.

Are you in pain, feeling life’s harshness, or experiencing the betrayal of friends and family? Are you constantly doubting yourself, unsure of what to do? Turn to Mary. Look at her loving gaze. She is there, holding you in her arms as a loving mother, bearing all that you go through.

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