By John Singarayar

Raigad, Sept 12, 2024: As the Divine Word Society (Societas Verbi Divini, SVD) steps into its 150th year of foundation on September 8, 2024, the celebration invites a reflection on the central theme that has shaped its mission: “Witnessing to the light from everywhere for everyone.”

This anniversary is time to recognize the unwavering call to be a beacon of Christ’s light, present and visible in all places, for all people. Founded by St. Arnold Janssen in 1875, the society has grown into a global community of missionaries dedicated to embodying and spreading the light of God’s Word, crossing borders, cultures, and languages to proclaim the Gospel in a way that is accessible to everyone.

From the beginning, St. Arnold Janssen envisioned the Divine Word Society as a congregation that would not only proclaim the Gospel but witness to the light of Christ in every corner of the world. His profound conviction was that the light of Christ was not confined to any particular place, culture, or people—it was meant to shine everywhere, for everyone. In founding the Society, St. Arnold answered the call to carry this light to the farthest reaches of the earth, especially to those who had never encountered the message of Christ.

The motto “May the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all men” captures this vision. For St. Arnold, the mission was not just about spreading doctrine but about allowing the transformative love of Christ to radiate in the lives of all people. The light of Christ was meant to penetrate every human heart, illuminate every shadow, and bring hope to every corner of the world.

In the context of 19th-century Europe, where political upheaval and anti-clericalism threatened the Church’s missionary endeavors, St. Arnold’s vision was daring. Yet, he trusted in Divine Providence, believing that the mission to witness to the light of Christ was too important to be dimmed by external obstacles. His founding of the Society of the Divine Word was an act of faith, a bold proclamation that the light of Christ could and would shine in even the most challenging circumstances.

One of the most remarkable features of the Divine Word Society is its global presence. From its earliest days, the Society has been marked by a missionary spirit that seeks to witness to the light of Christ from everywhere. Whether in bustling cities or remote villages, the SVD has always been willing to venture into new, often unfamiliar, and challenging territories. The call to mission is not about staying in familiar spaces but about bringing the light of Christ to places where it is most needed, often where darkness, in various forms, seems to prevail.

The Divine Word Society has always understood that witnessing to Christ’s light means more than simply preaching; it involves living among the people, understanding their cultures, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. The Society’s missionaries are known for their deep respect for the local cultures and traditions of the communities they serve. By immersing themselves in the lives of the people, they allow the light of Christ to shine through relationships of mutual understanding, trust, and love.

In this way, the SVD has become a missionary society that witnesses from everywhere—not only from the traditional centers of Christianity but from the margins, from the places often overlooked or neglected by the world. Whether in remote Amazonian villages, conflict-ridden areas of Africa, or among migrant populations in urban centers, the Divine Word Society has consistently borne witness to the light of Christ’s love and mercy.

The Divine Word Society’s commitment to witnessing for everyone is rooted in St. Arnold’s belief that the light of Christ is universal—it is for all people, in all places, at all times. This conviction has driven the Society’s mission for 150 years, leading it to places where the Gospel had never been preached, where the Church’s presence was minimal, or where people were marginalized and forgotten.

This aspect of the SVD’s mission resonates deeply with the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). The Divine Word Society has taken this mandate seriously, striving to ensure that no one is left in the darkness of ignorance, isolation, or despair. Their work in education, healthcare, social justice, and intercultural dialogue is a testament to their commitment to making the light of Christ accessible to everyone.

For the SVD, witnessing for everyone also means addressing the unique needs and challenges of the communities they serve. Whether it is building schools in impoverished areas, setting up hospitals in regions without adequate healthcare, or advocating for peace in war-torn areas, the Society’s missionaries seek to bring not only spiritual light but also material hope. Their holistic approach to mission reflects the belief that the light of Christ shines brightest when it illuminates the entire person—spirit, mind, and body.

One of the hallmarks of the Divine Word Society is its commitment to intercultural and interreligious dialogue. In a world where divisions based on race, religion, and culture often lead to conflict and misunderstanding, the SVD stands as a witness to the light that unites rather than divides. The Society’s approach to mission is not one of imposition but of encounter. They enter into dialogue with the people they serve, seeking to understand their beliefs, values, and traditions. Through this dialogue, they create spaces where the light of Christ can shine in new and unexpected ways.

This commitment to dialogue is a powerful witness to the belief that the light of Christ is not confined to one culture or one way of life. Rather, it can illuminate every culture, every language, and every human experience. The Society’s missionaries recognize that they do not bring the light of Christ to places where it is absent but rather help uncover the ways in which God’s light is already present and active in the lives of the people they encounter.

As the Divine Word Society celebrates 150 years of mission, it stands at a crossroads, looking both backward in gratitude and forward with hope. The world of 2024 is vastly different from the world of 1875, but the need for witnesses to the light of Christ is as urgent as ever. Today’s global challenges—climate change, migration, inequality, political unrest—present new opportunities for the SVD to witness to the light from everywhere, for everyone.

The theme of “witnessing to the light from everywhere for everyone” will continue to guide the Society’s mission as it navigates the complexities of the modern world. The call to be missionaries of the Word is not just about geographical expansion but about deepening the presence of Christ’s light in the hearts of all people. As Pope Francis has reminded us, the Church is called to be a “field hospital” in a wounded world, bringing healing, hope, and light to those in need.

In this context, the Divine Word Society’s role as a bridge—between cultures, religions, and communities—will be more important than ever. The Society’s global presence and experience in fostering dialogue and reconciliation position it to be a powerful witness to the light of Christ in an increasingly polarized world.

As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Divine Word Society, we give thanks for the countless ways in which the Society has witnessed to the light of Christ from everywhere, for everyone. We give thanks for the vision of St. Arnold Janssen, whose deep faith and trust in God’s providence laid the foundation for a missionary congregation that has become a beacon of hope across the globe.

And as we look to the future, we pray that the Divine Word Society will continue to shine the light of Christ in every corner of the world, for every person, illuminating the path to peace, justice, and love.

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