By Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil Guwahati: When disasters take us by surprise, it is not the right time to find fault with one another. But if in the meantime those in command of the situation have gone blind and deaf, we are compelled to raise our voice lest we be destroyedContinue Reading

By Nikhila Henry Kochi: What does Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Orthodox Church in Antioch of Syria, have to do with Assembly elections in Kerala? A lot. In fact, it is a century old dispute about the Patriarch’s authority which is now driving two Christian factions –Continue Reading

By Dipak Barkhade Hyderabad: Since 2014, the cases of atrocities against Dalit-Bahujans have been on the rise in India. It can be said that the Sanskritization of certain sections among Dalit-Bahujans is giving rise to a Nazi-style mentality. The sociopolitical change does not seem limited to the cultural realm ofContinue Reading

By Deeptiman Tiwary New Delhi: The federal government’s gazette notification in early March imposing restrictions on Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) from practicing journalism or research, and engaging in Tabligh or missionary activities, has effectively granted legal sanction to what was earlier only a set of guidelines in an officialContinue Reading