By Don Aguiar Mumbai, July 14, 2022: Today Aarey is in danger, tossed and turned by political parties only for their personal greed. They are all set to sell it to builders to develop Mumbai into a concrete jungle. Aarey Forest, or Aarey Milk Colony and Aarey Colony, is aContinue Reading

By Cedric Prakash Ahmedabad, June 24, 2022: It is ‘Laity Sunday’ once again on June 26. A time for the Church once again to introspect and to see whether the much flaunted ‘lay collaboration’ actually exists in reality or not! In a highly clerical and patriarchal Church, which has stubbornlyContinue Reading

By Ram Puniyani Mumbai, Feb 16, 2022: The raging controversy around Hijab is taking disturbing proportions. In Udupi Karnataka Muslim girls alleged that they were denied entry in to the classroom if they wear Hijab. Then we saw the gates of the institute being shut on the hijab wearing girls.Continue Reading

By Dr Laura Vaz Mumbai, Feb 12, 2022: Recently the country, especially the Catholic community, was shaken by the news that Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar who was accused of raping a nun several times, was acquitted by a trial court in Kottayam, Kerala. Many felt outraged by this verdictContinue Reading

By Ram Puniyani Mumbai, Feb 5, 2022: Every republic day we have the gala program where on one hand the military parade with its highlights is displayed and on the other floats from different states are displayed. The central government chooses these floats. This year (2022) they rejected the displaysContinue Reading

By George Karuvelil Patna, Jan 22, 2022: 72 years ago we declared ourselves a secular republic. And our secularism is in serious trouble today. Some gloat over it; others bemoan it. But what brought it to its deathbed? No, the ills of Indian secularism did not begin with Narendra ModiContinue Reading

By Don Aguiar Mumbai, Jan 21, 2022: When a society denies human rights to some of its people it introduces a corruption that will rot its way through other people and institutions. Equally where corruption of any kind spreads it will soon eat away at human rights. Human rights areContinue Reading

By Ram Puniyani Mumbai, Dec 19, 2021: In December, town planning committee of Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation specifically mentioned that stalls selling non-vegetarian items will not be allowed along public roads and in the 100-meter radius of schools, colleges and religious places. On these lines decisions were also taken by Vadodara,Continue Reading