By Sujata Jena Bhubaneswar: When I wished someone “Happy Ascension Feast” May 16, he surprised with me a question: “What relevance does this feast have in this time?” The question got me thinking. The day marks the day when Jesus went to heaven 40 days after he rose from theContinue Reading

By M K George Rome: Corona-19 virus is singularly anti-poor. Look at the ways to combat the virus: Regularly wash hands with soap and water , use sanitizer, keep social distancing, stay at home, use a mask, eat nutritious food, and get vaccinated. None of these is accessible to theContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: At a time when we are surrounded by torrents of unhappy news, can we become beacons of hope? It may look difficult as our circumstances seem to steal our hope. Some times while trying to reach out to those living alone — the elderly and theContinue Reading

By Prakash Louis Varanasi: The onslaught of the second wave of Covid-19 and its impact in an unprecedented manner has led to disease, devastation and death. On the one hand, the impact of the virus on the physical, emotional, psychological, economic, educational and social life of the people is soContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: On May 16, the feast of Ascension of Jesus into heaven, the Church celebrates the World Communications Day. This year, for the 55th World Communications Day (WCD), the theme chosen by Pope Francis is “Come and See” (Jn 1:46), Communicating by Encountering People Where and asContinue Reading

Lissy Maruthanakuzhy The answer to the church’s social actions continues ringing in our ears during this season of Easter. The message of Jesus invites his followers to be his “witnesses.” Jesus also warns his disciples about the possible hostility they may encounter walking on his path (St John 16:2). HeContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur: This title could be shocking. Is it some kind of Agatha Christie “who dunnit”? But such an event did take place about 1,000 years ago when St. Thomas Becket was murdered at the altar of Canterbury Cathedral, of which he was the archbishop, on December 29, 1170.Continue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru: Today the nation is witnessing terrible tragedies in the backdrop of Covid-19. Millions of people have been affected and we see continuous deaths occurring in every nook and corner of the country. Neither the federal government nor the state government has come forward to ownContinue Reading

By Leela Ramdeen I received a lovely note from my friend whose husband died recently and with whom I have been praying, virtually. In her note she included a quotation from Albert Schweitzer: “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. EachContinue Reading

By Lissy Kurian Panaji: On Easter Monday when a young woman with her mother came to our house asking for me, I was perplexed. How did she get my name and find our house, I wondered? But I kept my queries to myself recognizing an emergency. Hardly had she takenContinue Reading