By Lissy Kurian Panaji: On Easter Monday when a young woman with her mother came to our house asking for me, I was perplexed. How did she get my name and find our house, I wondered? But I kept my queries to myself recognizing an emergency. Hardly had she takenContinue Reading

By George Cheriyan Bengaluru: Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22, will see this year again more than 1 billion people participating in various activities around the world to draw attention to the urgency of environmental degradation and the need for immediate action highlights environmental issues including loss ofContinue Reading

By Cedric Prakash We come to you today dear heavenly and loving Father as your children, as one family: with deep faith and a total surrender to your will We come to you today at a time when our world is gripped with the pandemic COVID-19 It is more thanContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: Micky and Goretti Martins with their team of “Amazing Grace mission group” now try to be the mouthpieces of Jesus the risen Lord. For Goretti, sharing the good news was her passion. She in fact had entered a religious congregation. But ill-health forced her to beContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru: Coronavirus has become the ‘talk of the world’ since December 2019. This deadly virus, also known as “Covid-19,” originated from the city of Wuhan in China and has now reached every part of the world. The first wave was felt strongly all over the world,Continue Reading

By Cedric Prakash Ahmedabad: Come April 14, and the nation will gratefully remember Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar who was born on this day in 1891, one hundred and thirty years ago. He was a polymath and civil rights activist who contributed immensely to the nation: among others, as the Father ofContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur: Most of us are creatures of habit, and therefore highly predictable. As we grow older we tend to dig in even more, and resist change of any kind. However, security guards or forces, cannot afford to be predictable, because then their opponents will know just how andContinue Reading

By Shirin Durban: From grade 6, I went to school in a school bus and came back home in it too. Going in a school bus was more exciting than school in many ways because we got to talk! In school, we were not allowed to talk much and everyContinue Reading

By Gilbert Choondal Kolkata: Easter Triduum begins with Maundy Thursday and ends with Easter. Eucharist is the main theme that runs through all these three days. We begin the Day-One with the Institution of Eucharist, Day-Two with the real sacrifice of the Lord (Qurbana), and finally Day-Three culminating the fullContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: A season of grace, Lent, has called us to a new life of Easter as we journey through it day by day, through fast and abstinence, and acts of good works. A little incident sharpened my awareness of the redeeming grace of God and his unconditionalContinue Reading