By M L Satyan Bengaluru, Oct 6, 2023: The arrest of News Click founder and editor Prabir Purkayastha, the human resources chief Amit Chakravarty and a few other journalists associated with News Click on October 4, has sent a shock wave throughout the country. Amid growing restrictions on media freedom,Continue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru, Sept 11, 2023: Some of the heart-rending scenes that I watched in the YouTube/social media were the eviction of the slum dwellers in certain parts of the national capital. Delhi has been witnessing a series of demolition drives of working-class neighbourhoods. These demolitions were carriedContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Aug 29. 2023: Those on death row face the wall, before being shot in the back. Police also frisk criminals while making them face a wall. Never a pleasant experience. Even in Jerusalem the Jews face the Western or Wailing Wall, to mourn what remains of Solomon’sContinue Reading

By M K George Rome, Aug 22, 2023: In recent times, I heard from two people that Jesuits are terrorists: One, the president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and the other by an anchor of Janam T V, a Malayalam channel based in Kerala, southern India. It was while seizing aContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru, Aug 11, 2023: In June this year, I had an opportunity to interact with a few members of a Mahila Sangh (Women’s Association), Catholic Sabha (Men’s Association) and the Youth Associations in one of the northern Indian dioceses. During the interaction the Catholic Sabha membersContinue Reading