“BIRTHDAY GREETINGS, DEAR FR. STAN!”   Dear Stan, It is rather unusual and certainly not normal to wish someone who is in prison “A Happy Birthday!” One’s birthday cannot be ‘happy’ in prison; however, in wishing you – we celebrate your life: your mission and your message and above all,Continue Reading

Guwahati: Some time in March, feminist-activist Kamla Bhasin posted a Facebook message saying she had bought a cycle in time for her 75th birthday. She was looking for women her age to bike, and the group would be called Cycling Feminist Aunties in their Seventies. She also asked Hero CyclesContinue Reading

By Matt Sedensky Greensburg, Pennsylvania: The nuns’ daily email update was overtaken by news of infections. Ambulances blared into the driveways of their convents. Prayers for the sick went unanswered, prayers for the dead grew monotonous and, their cloistered world suddenly caving in, some of the sisters’ thoughts were halting.Continue Reading