By Geeta Pandey New Delhi: Life in prison is expected to be tough. But in recent weeks, jail authorities in India have been called out for being especially cruel to prisoners, particularly the government’s critics who are described as “human rights defenders” by international rights groups. Earlier this month, theContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: The Pious Disciples of the Divine Master began holistic health ministry in India some 20 years ago as another branch of their charism, liturgical apostolate. The mission was introduced by Sister Scholastica Panthaladikel, a former Indian provincial who now manages a health center in Mapusa, Goa,Continue Reading

Vatican City: The Gospel of Matthew never details how many Magi came from “the East,” but it makes it clear they traveled to pay homage to “the newborn king of the Jews” and “offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Beyond their great monetary value, scholars say, the giftsContinue Reading

ROSARIO, Argentina -– A nun in India, with the help of several volunteers, has led the largest survey of domestic workers ever conducted, providing unprecedented insights into working conditions for one of the country’s most oft-exploited sectors. “Our organization is dedicated to women, girls and children especially the most vulnerableContinue Reading