By John Mathew New Delhi, July 29, 2023: As horrendous stories of riots, rape and arson emerge from the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, Joseph Maliaken reminds us, “Riots just don’t happen; they are all created.” The veteran journalist in his seventies says this with conviction as he has coveredContinue Reading

By Rose Maria (Achu) Kochi, June 27, 2023: We hear a lot about Christians indulging in “forced conversion.” Those who propagate that theory seem to say: “Let those who have seen or experienced wait, let those who have heard, speak.” I have nothing to say to such people Allow meContinue Reading

By Irudhaya Jothi Aizawl, June16, 2023: Capuchin Father Nithiya Sagayam, who works among gypsies in southern India, has been conferred with a lifetime achievement award by the federal Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The ministry gives the “Atal Bihari Life Time Achievement Award” to those with the record ofContinue Reading

By Jose Kavi New Delhi, July 14, 2022: Father Stanley Kozhichira, a Limca World Record holder for theatrical production, was on July 14 elected the Asian president of Signis, the global network of Catholic communicators. “My personal thoughts are for working together as a team to build a strong CatholicContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji, Jun 11, 2022: Father Johns George Manjapillil knows what it is to be chased by the Hound of Heaven. It took years of studies and sojourns in foreign countries before the youngest of three children could realize his childhood dream of becoming a priest. The 39-year-oldContinue Reading

By Lissy Kurien Panaji, May 30, 2022: The elevation of Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao of Goa and Daman as a Prince of the Church, brings India its first cardinal patriarch. With this, India joins Jerusalem, Italy and Portugal. “We are used to saying cardinal-patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, and Cardinal PatriarchContinue Reading