By Matters India Reporter Marthandom: Cardinal Baselios Cleemis has released the Tamil translation of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” (All Brothers) at a function at Marthandam, a town in Tamil Nadu’s Kanniyakumari district. Archbishop Antony Pappusamy of Madurai, the president of Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Council (TNBC), and Archbishop GeorgeContinue Reading

By Matters India Reporter Panaji: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão of Goa and Daman has urged his people to keep the Word of God close to their heart on daily basis. The archbishop, who is also the president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), was releasing the bookContinue Reading

By Victor Edwin New Delhi: The Department of Distance Education in Theology under Delhi’s Vidyajyoti College of theology organized an international laity webinar on the third encyclical of Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers). Around 380 participants from Europe to East Asia attended the January 24 program. Archbishop Anil CoutoContinue Reading

Dimapur: Deacon Peter Pehiachanglu was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Kohima on January 15 at St Peter’s Chruch, Nsong under SFS Parish, Tening, Peren District by Bishop James Thoppil of Kohima. Deacon Peter dressed in the traditional Zeliang attire came in procession accompanied by the clan and familyContinue Reading

By Nirmala Carvalho Cuttack-Bhubaneswar: Four nuns took temporary vows and four others perpetual vows during Mass on January 16 in Cuttack’s cathedral. Archbishop John Barwa of Cuttack-Bhubaneswa, who led the Mass January 16 hailed the nuns as “God’s channel to reach the poor.” The nuns belong to the Congregation ofContinue Reading