Our culture is enamored with the wealthy and the powerful. Athletes, actors, politicians, and successful CEOs––these people just seem to matter more. Even as Christians, we are drawn to worldly standards of power and influence. The story of Christ’s birth reminds us that God turns the world’s standards and expectationsContinue Reading

One year during Advent, our parish priest invited us to write down on a slip of paper a word that named something that is keeping us from getting closer to God. He suggested it might be a fear, a resentment, or an attitude that shuts us off from the loveContinue Reading

Dhaka: Pope Francis urged Bangladeshi priests and nuns to resist the “terrorism of gossip” that can tear religious communities apart, delivering one of his trademark, zinger-filled spontaneous speeches to the country’s Catholic leadership on Saturday at the close of an otherwise tense and diplomatically fraught Asian tour. As he hasContinue Reading

A Bangladeshi Catholic priest who was abducted in the north-east on Nov 27, ahead of the visit of Pope Francis to the country, was found alive in Sylhet city on Friday. Father Walter William Rozario is said to have fled from his kidnappers and got in touch with his family,Continue Reading

Dhaka, Bangladesh:  Celebrating Mass in the Bangladeshi capital on Friday, Pope Francis ordained 16 men to the priesthood. “Beloved brothers and sisters: because these our sons … are now to be advanced to the Order of priests, consider carefully the nature of the rank in the Church to which they areContinue Reading