By Matters India Reporter New Delhi, Jan 6, 2020: India would not host the eight Asian Youth Day (AYD). Father Chetan Machado, secretary of the Youth Council of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, says the final decision would be taken at the Indian bishops’ plenary meet in February. IndiaContinue Reading

JNU night attack triggers nationwide protests New Delhi, Jan 5, 2019: Hours after masked assailants went on the rampage on the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, thousands of students across the country rose in spontaneous protest against what they claimed was a brutal crackdown on dissenting voices. Hundreds from educational institutionsContinue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Indore, Dec 30, 2019: The Indore-based Universal Solidarity Movement (USM) and the Honesty Foundation Goa on December 30 honored 11 students of 11 schools from six states with the Honesty Award 2019. Since 2012, the Honesty Foundation Goa has awarded students who are honest in practising theContinue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Indore, Dec 28, 2019: About 100 students and teachers from different states of India are attending in the 52th meeting of the Knit India movement that opened on December 28 in Indore, the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh state. Knit India is a live-together of students, teachersContinue Reading

By Rajiv Theodore Mananthavady, Dec 24, 2019: These are extreme ports and not for the faint hearted. It is all about that adrenalin rush and nature bashing rolled into one. Mountain Terrain Biking (MTB) is where you can experience the tall oaks, the deep valleys and snow-capped mountains. Events likeContinue Reading

Matters India Reporter New Delhi, December 18, 2019 — At the time of nationwide student protests questioning national policies, calling to implement constitutional values in spirit, Poledu Learning Foundation (Policy Talks) launched THINK Policy!, a short certificate course in public policy for teenagers on December 13. Policy Talks registered asContinue Reading

The oldest business school in the country is going to have a campus in Delhi-NCR. In an interview Fr. P. Christie S.J., Director, XLRI-Xavier School of Management, talks about his vision for the new campus Why did you decide to start a campus in Delhi-NCR? Being the oldest business schoolContinue Reading