Chhotebhai Does this sound like a recipe? It is, and isn’t! It isn’t a recipe for food, but it is food for thought, and it could be recipe for disaster if it goes unheeded. Let me unravel the mystery and remove the baffled look on your face. I just chancedContinue Reading

Chhotebhai (Third part of the trilogy “Seeing Red” and “Orange or Purple Caps”) We stop at a traffic signal when the light is red. It then turns to amber (saffron), before the green light gives us the signal to move ahead. I have unwittingly followed this colour sequence in myContinue Reading

Chhotebhai Last week the Prime Minister dramatically announced that red beacons would be removed from the cars of netas and babus. The gullible junta applauded. What the PM did not say was whether the hooters/ sirens on these vehicles and their escorts, with which they cut a swathe through denseContinue Reading

By: chhotebhai Kanpur: Though the Catholics of Kanpur are a minuscule 6,000 in a population of 5 million, divided into 7 assembly constituencies in the city, they have always actively participated in every election in creating voter awareness, thanks to the leadership of the Kanpur Catholic Association (KCA). Knowing itsContinue Reading

By: chhotebhai While writing about the Republic Day Parade (RDP) last year I said that I missed the rich timbered voice of Rini Simon-Khanna.  I had also hazarded a guess that this year the Chief Guest would be the Emir of Kuwait .  After watching this year’s RDP I gotContinue Reading

School children wear uniforms, because they are vulnerable and impressionable; hence need a distinct identity and protection. However, when they grow into critically aware young adults entering college, they abandon their school uniforms. College campuses are a riot of colour, after the staid straight jackets of school kids. Is ourContinue Reading