By Matters India Reporter Patna, Oct 22, 2021: Swami Sachidananda Bharathi, a peace activist, has urged students to work for an India free of hunger, caste discrimination and corruption by overcoming the evil of selfishness and greed. One should overcome the “evil of selfishness, greed and pride” with love andContinue Reading

By Matters India Reporter Kochi, December 9, 2019: Atheist-turned-ascetic Swami Sachidananda Bharathi will organize a-one-day Sarva Matha Sangamam (Interreligious Meeting) on December 15 at Pastoral Orientation Centre, Palarivattam, Kochi. Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan will inaugurate “the Integral Renaissance of Kerala” and the Navasrushti Kerala Mission at 10 am, saidContinue Reading

Varanasi: An atheist-turned-ascetic launched a 100-day peace march in Varanasi to promote unity in diversity and India’s composite culture on Saturday when the country celebrated its 69th Independence Day. Heads of all religions in Hinduism’s holiest city attended a four-hour fasting and prayer meet called “Tyagarchana Mahayagya’(an oblation of sacrifice)Continue Reading