By M L Satyan Coimbatore, June 24, 2024: The terrible heatwave spread across India has been bothering me for a while as I too have experienced it in March-April this year. Here are some interviews by media: Interview-1: Bicycle rickshaw driver Sagar Mandal of New Delhi told CNN on JuneContinue Reading

Maria Rekha Dsp Panaji, May 22, 2024:Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence. – St Francis de Sales The month of May is a very special month for us, a break from our routine and to rejuvenate ourselvesContinue Reading

By Jose Kavi New Delhi, May 18, 2024: It is not very pleasant to wake up to the sad news about a friend’s passing away. What is worse is to know that the person had died almost a year ago. May 17 is the birthday of Philip Mathew, my friendContinue Reading

By Maria Rekha Panaji, May 13, 2024: Pope John Paul II, in his message for the World Day of Social Communications, envisioned the media as a powerful tool for promoting peace and understanding. He saw its potential to bridge cultural divides and foster empathy across borders. Today, in a worldContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, April 16, 2024: We have been boasting of our science, technology, military and weapon power. Every country has been spending enormous amount of money for procuring arms, weapons and nuclear power. Our human pride, our imagined self-importance, status and money power, the delusion that weContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji, April 15, 2024: The season of Lent for every Christian is a time of prayer and penance. So, it was not surprising to me that some of my community members raised their eyebrows when I suggested that we watch a movie running in the nearby theater.Continue Reading

By F. M. Britto Raipur, April 10, 2024: Getting up early at 4:30 am, I rushed to the Raipur railway station to catch my train. At the station I browsed through my mobile to see at what platform my South Bihar Express (13287) arrives. Surprisingly, it said the train wasContinue Reading

By Isaac Harold Gomes Kolkata, April 8, 2024: George Anthony Gomes, a first-generation entrepreneur in Kolkata’s Bengali Catholic Community was laid to rest at Lower Circular Road cemetery on April 8. He died on April 3 at the age of 87. Father Vincent Lobo was the main celebrant at theContinue Reading